There have been many changes lately in how we view modern farming, such as growing concern over the impact of farming on the environment. As a result, movements are forming to change how farms operate. Some advocate for the public to change their dining habits, while others vie for alternative methods to food production.

It’s important to remember that many myths and misconceptions exist in regards to modern agriculture.

Large Scale Farms Are The Only Option

There is a feeling that large-scale farms are the only option when it comes to the farming industry. It seems as if industrial operations are the only way to survive in the business.

However, the UN states that family farms feed around 2/3 of the world’s population. Industrial farms are mostly only prominent in the west, where populations are more urban.

Large Scale Farms Are More Efficient

It was long-believed that larger farms are more efficient, but this is hardly the case. Recent developments show that when it comes to cost per unit of production, large-scale farms are more costly. This is because large-scale operations require heavy investments early on, since there is much to be purchased in way of inventory and machinery.

Alternatives Aren’t Profitable

It’s often said alternatives to modern farming are a good option for the environment, but not for the bottom line of those who work in the field. This is a mistake, as more young investors are favoring eco-friendly businesses. The market for sustainable produce is becoming less niche.

Modern Farming Is More Tech Savvy

It may seem as if modern farming relies on tech more heavily than sustainable practises. This can be true, but doesn’t have to be. Sustainable farms focus on technology that eliminates manual labor, and cuts down on the use of carbon-based fuel.

Sustainability Is Just a Trend

There have been many trends in the field of agriculture, becoming popular before fading away as trends often do. However, this isn’t the case with sustainability. After all, the very nature of sustainable agriculture is made to be long-lasting.


There are many myths about modern agriculture, particularly in its current form. It is crucial that the public recognize these myths from fact.


Date:Nov 22, 2019


Tags:farming, sustainability

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