Sustainable farming is no longer a fringe practise set at the edge of the farming industry. Despite still being small-scale in comparison to larger farms, it is now on the minds of policy makers and public consumers alike.

Therefore, it is important to invest in sustainable farming. To do so in an organized, long-term manner is partly about planning for policies and changes in the years to come. It’s also important to ensure that you turn a profit from your investment.

Why Invest?

This is the first question to ask yourself before investing in any market. With most investments, the goal is to make profit–but in this case, that is far from the only issue to consider.

You must also take into account how your investment will impact the environment and society at large. This presents an extra burden for investors, but it is necessary.

Governmental Impact

One must also keep in mind the role of the government in regards to agriculture policy. Governments are very much connected to the large businesses working in the industry, and tend to generate a playing field made for them in particular.

A portion of your investments should go towards this part of the process. Lobbying is the best way to get the government’s attention, but you can also speak to the public directly.

Food Delivery Systems

These investments aren’t limited to farms and agriculture. Farmers markets and farm-to-table restaurants are also key parts of the sustainable agriculture process, and can become even more vital when they offer a sense of control to their customers.

It is useful for long-term investments to consider these businesses as well, using them to their advantage in terms of marketing. You’re not selling just the food, but a holistic and eco-friendly approach to dining and food delivery overall.

Consumer Awareness

At this point, consumers see sustainable agriculture as a more expensive, less inclusive alternative to traditional farming. This must change. Spending money to enact these changes isn’t a waste, but rather a valuable investment. However, it must be done in a way that doesn’t seem preachy, or judge those who choose to get their food elsewhere.

On the other hand, it’s perfectly fine to showcase the systems that are currently in place, and highlight where they could improve. This includes the role of big business, and its environmental impact.


It is important to include institutions based on debt. It sounds strange, but most of the industry and its finances are based on debt. This means that those who borrow money can earn from it, and farmers who take out loans are able to repay it in the long run, with interest.

Such institutions are not around in full-scale for sustainable farmers. This is partly because the field is seen as smaller, more niche, and less long-term than traditional operations. While this may be true in part, it is also somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Many feel that returning to eco-friendly methods is a step backwards into a simpler time, but this is a mistake. Sustainable agriculture is very much dependent on modern technology. It is therefore crucial to invest in the latest tech, but only in ways that are compatible with eco-friendly production.


Sustainable agriculture will remain a promising field of investment for years to come. Such investments can have a positive outcome on the environment, society and your bottom line. All these benefits should be taken into account when making your first investment.




Date:Dec 14, 2019


Tags:farming, sustainability

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